For many in Oregon, it may seem that expenses for children, such as school fees or new shoes, are on the rise. Sometimes, the primary parent in the child custody agreement may end up shouldering more of these costs than they believe they are actually responsible for. This can sometimes be the result of changes in either parent’s financial situation.
Based off of a $16,515 monthly income, Future — a 30-year-old rapper — had been paying over $1,600 a month in child support for one his children. The 10-year-old boy’s mother submitted paperwork in March 2013 that claimed Future had not been honest about his income, which she believed had ballooned to $50,000 every month. As such, she believed that he should be paying more for his son’s support.
Future denied these allegations, and then subsequently requested that he be granted more custody of his son. The judge involved with the case ultimately determined that Future owed nearly $4,000 in back child support payments. Additionally, future support payments will be garnished from his checks to the tune of $2,800 a month, which is apparently based on an increased monthly income than previously reported.
Future is also involved in a support dispute with two other women, who are also apparently the primary parents in separate child custody arrangements. As child support can be such a crucial aspect of raising children, it is important Oregon parents report their income as accurately as possible in order to provide for their children appropriately. If either party believes that the child support order does not accurately reflect either parent’s income or correct circumstances, they may petition the court to modify the existing child support order. In instances such as this, when one parent’s income had increased drastically, a child support modification is sometimes in order.
Source:, “Rapper Future’s Checks Are Garnished For Back Child Support Payments”, EJ Flemmon, Aug. 5, 2014